MT4 Platform
Discover potential profit opportunities in the metals market. Trade spot gold and spot silver prices against the US Dollar and other major currencies with a global broker today Start NowShort or Long Positions
Trading spot metals is similar to forex currency trading where investors take short or long positions on the metals’ prices. With Golden Tree FX, you can buy and sell CFDs on gold and silver with best-of-market spreads and spot execution without having additional foreign exchange exposure.Diversification
As a safe haven commodity, gold has been used to hedge against US dollar volatility. The reason is that gold is dollar-denominated and, if the US dollar rises, it will most likely keep the price of gold lower. On the other hand, silver has been used to hedge against currency market volatility.High Liquidity
Metals trading is appealing to traders because of the commodities’ high liquidity. IronFX is dedicated to making your trading experience smooth and stress-free by offering a robust trading platform, complimentary trading tools and a wealth of market insights to boost your trading experience